

什么是A B.A. 心理学学位?

心理学学士的 psychology degree program at 亚洲博彩平台 offers in-depth preparation for work in 临床心理学, 社会工作, 组织管理与社会文化法. 独特的选修课使您能够在各种子领域发展职业轨迹. 


亚洲博彩平台的学生可以获得B.A. 或B.S. 心理学学位. 学生们根据他们感兴趣的领域来调整他们的教育. 的 Bachelor of 艺术 degree is designed for those students interested primarily in the 社会 sciences and humanities. With a foundation in liberal arts, courses facilitate concentrations in human and animal behaviors.

  • 动物学习与行为: Courses in both biological sciences and behavior analysis emphasize biological bases of behavior and species-typical learning as well as standard principles of training that cross species lines. 大多数动物行为心理学学位的学生还会辅修生物学. 的 culmination of the program is an internship within a facility or institution that emphasizes 动物训练, 畜牧业或公共教育.
  • 应用社会心理学: Study 社会 psychology principles and methods to solve practical problems in industry and society. 适合研究生院的准备和对社会学感兴趣的人, 社会工作, 孩子的宣传, 业务, 产业组织心理学, 法律/刑事司法或公共政策.
  • 临床/心理咨询: 的 clinical/counseling concentration psychology degree exposes students to courses and field placements that emphasize the assessment and treatment of mental and emotional disorders. 这些研究领域包括药物滥用, 变态心理学, 临床心理学, 职业道德和评估技巧.
  • 认知与神经心理学: 探索认知, 大脑, and neural functions and processes underlying animal and human behavior and prepare for graduate programs in experimental psychology, 认知心理学, 神经科学, 认知神经心理学和临床神经心理学. 


亚洲博彩平台's low student-to-faculty ratio encourages close collaboration and mentorship as well as individual creativity and leadership. Because the school of psychology faculty perform applied reSearch outside of their teaching responsibilities, 学生有机会参与正在进行的研究项目.

的 School of Psychology also operates a variety of clinics and consulting programs, 包括:

  • 东佛罗里达中部记忆诊所
  • 社区心理服务
  • 组织效能研究中心
  • 文化、合作与管理研究所

像老年人, 学生参与一个学术探究项目, for which they complete an intensive field internship experience and conduct a substantial reSearch study on a topic of their choosing. 结果是, 心理学学位的学生获得实践经验, an enhanced job 搜索 portfolio and the perfect preparation for finding a job or going to graduate school.


课堂之外, psychology majors build leadership experience through exciting internships and participation in academic organizations like Psi Chi (psychology honor society), 本科心理学学生协会, 学生会和其他100多个学生组织.


招聘亚洲博彩平台学生实习和就业的雇主包括, 儿童之家协会, 关爱圈, 户, 太空海岸早期干预中心等等.


在获得心理学学位后, 许多学生去了亚洲博彩平台和其他著名大学的研究生院, 包括纽约大学和范德比尔特大学.

为什么追求A B.A. 亚洲博彩平台心理学博士?

Psychology graduates are well prepared to enter the field as working professionals or to pursue graduate school. 亚洲博彩平台 is the perfect college for psychology due to the close-knit academic environment enabling students to work closely with professors and fellow students.


亚洲博彩平台's faculty is a mix of full-time and adjunct visiting professors that are dedicated to reSearch, 教学与学生成功. 本科教师代表了心理学领域的各个学科. Each student has a faculty advisor who assists with selecting courses in addition to mentoring and offering guidance for career and/or graduate school opportunities.


Many School of Psychology professors perform applied reSearch outside of their teaching responsibilities working in settings such as clinical treatment or organizational consulting. 鼓励合格的学生参与教师主导的研究. 的se unique opportunities give students ways to enhance their learning making 亚洲博彩平台 a great college for psychology.


就地理位置而言,一般的心理学学院都无法与亚洲博彩平台的地理位置相比. 这个占地130英亩的校园位于太空海岸, 这个地区拥有全国第五大高科技劳动力,超过5人,000家高科技公司以及政府和军事组织. 这一劳动力提供了各种实习和就业机会.

距离大西洋海滩只有很短的车程, 以及佛罗里达州中部的景点,如美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心, 卡纳维拉尔角和迪斯尼乐园. 亚洲博彩平台有丰富的校园生活,包括校内和大学体育活动, 俱乐部和社会活动. 就心理学学院而言,亚洲博彩平台是一个完美的选择.

A B如何.A. 心理学为我的未来做好准备?

课堂之外, psychology internships are available to students at a variety of 业务es and non-profit groups, 包括:

  • 儿童之家协会
  • 太空海岸早期干预中心
  • 东佛罗里达中部记忆障碍诊所

这些心理学实习允许对治疗方案进行研究, the course of treatment and the prognosis of various afflictions patients have that our students may encounter in graduate school and their future careers.

随着学生在学位和职业发展方向上的进步, 他们参加专门的心理学实习,以满足他们未来的目标, 包括在知名机构工作的机会.

学生 interested in the study of animal learning and behavior can also obtain psychology internships with organizations such as the Brevard Zoo, 海洋世界, 海豚探索瓦胡岛和更多, 获得现实世界的经验,建立潜在的职业关系.


完成研究方法课程后, 选定的学生也可能收到邀请,与教师领导的工作 研究团队 studying a variety of topics and issues within the field of psychology including autism and Alzheimer's reSearch, 动物训练, 性别研究, 情绪健康和犯罪行为.

许多心理学实习也提供了研究机会, allowing participants to collect data relevant to their area of study through their work experience. This data can then be used to create a formal reSearch project to be presented at a university-wide reSearch colloquium.


亚洲博彩平台有一个分会 Psi Chi国际荣誉协会 在心理学中. Psi Chi is an active student organization that participates in community service and other campus-wide events.

活跃思维是另一个专注于心理学和心理健康的组织. 作为活跃思维的成员, students have an opportunity to take part in planning events and seminars that utilize the student voice to change perceptions of mental health on college campuses.

你能用A B做什么.A. 在心理学中?

临床心理学的职业包括帮助人们处理问题. 临床心理学家评估, 诊断和治疗精神疾病, 从短期个人问题到严重的情绪和行为障碍, 慢性疾病.

尽管策略通常因专业而异, 心理学家经常采访病人, 给予诊断测试并提供个人, 家庭, 或者团体心理治疗. Psychologists also design behavior modification programs and help patients implement their program.


职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部出版, 劳工统计局(BLS), 提供有关数百个职业的详细信息, 初级教育, 整体工作环境及就业前景.

Careers in 临床心理学 are expected to increase as people continue to turn to psychologists to help solve or manage their problems. 心理学家也帮助其他特殊群体, 比如老年人, 遭受战争创伤的退伍军人和自闭症患者. 拥有应用专业博士学位的人就业前景最好. 查阅有关临床心理学职业的手册以了解更多信息.


Careers in 临床心理学 can involve focus on certain populations and involve specialties such as:

  • 健康心理学家 -研究心理因素如何影响健康和疾病.
  • 咨询心理学家 -建议人们如何处理家庭、工作场所或社区的问题.
  • 发展心理学家 -分析一生中发生的心理进步和发展.e. 儿童和青少年,或老年人).
  • 产业与组织心理学家 – apply psychology to solve issues and improve the quality of life in the workplace such as workplace productivity, 管理员工的工作方式, 士气, 政策规划, 等.
  • 学校心理学家 -处理与教育有关的问题,例如学习和行为问题, 学生表现和教学改善, 等.
  • 社会心理学家 -研究人们的心态和行为是如何被社会互动所塑造的.

的re are many more careers in 临床心理学 and specific areas to apply training in psychology.


  • 人类学家
  • 市场研究分析师
  • 心理健康顾问
  • 社会工作者
  • 社会学家
  • 学校辅导员
  • 药物滥用顾问


亚洲博彩平台 graduates enter careers in 临床心理学 immediately upon graduation or after continuing studies in graduate programs in counseling, 社会, 临床或法医心理学, 即使是法律或医学, 在诸如:

  • 中佛罗里达大学
  • 波士顿学院
  • 科罗拉多州立大学
  • 波士顿大学
  • 佛罗里达州立大学
  • 霍华德大学
  • 马里兰大学
  • 迈阿密大学